Retos/Challenges Marzo 2019

*Última actualización 23.01.19*

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Retos largos, JV/СП

31th Bee Shabby "Album with Yulia Kuznetsova" etapa 1-2-3-4

3rd? Button Craft "Atmósfera de vacaciones" etapa 1-2-3-4

Tarea Temática/Theme task
Moodboard - Inspiración/Inspiration

Fuente: este post proviene de Fils et Papiers, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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Y estas son sus últimas ideas publicadas:

Hello everyone! Today Im gonna show you this shabby notebook to keep memories! I used this exquisit chipboard "Lace frame" from Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts for the cover. I painted it with acryl ...

Hi everyone! Today Im gonna show you this shabby album to keep the photo memories! Ive used the collection "Beautiful memories" from Scrapmir, so pink and shabby!! I made a shaker for the c ...

Hi everyone! Today Im gonna show you this train shape album to keep the memories of winter This is the most complicated shape Ive binded with suede, but i got it! The small pieces are covered with ...

Hello everyone! Today I gonna show you this shabby album for keep wedding memories! I used "Dream Garden" paper collection from Scrapboys: this is my favourite Scrapboys paper collection i ...
