Bordado de Thready Pulse.
Emobroidery by Thready Pulse.
Tenéis el patrón gratuito de este top de Grace Is Not My Forte en Hobium.
You can find this free top pattern by Grace Is Not My Forte on Hobium.
"The Thistle Collage Quilt", diseñado por Angela Walters, de Quilting Is My Therapy, para el Midnight Quilt Show (patrón gratuito aquí).
"The Thistle Collage Quilt", designed by Angela Walters, of Quilting Is My Therapy, for the Midnight Quilt Show (free pattern here).
Proyecto fin de semana: chal de ganchillo, patrón gratuito de Look At What I Made.
Weekend project: crochet shawl, free pattern by Look At What I Made.
Flor de macramé de Peanut Butter & Jelly Bean.
Macramé flower by Peanut Butter & Jelly Bean.