JV "Seasons" 2 stage: Spring

Hello again!
And welcome to the second stage of JV "Seasons".

So the theme of this stage is "Spring" and we have to choose 2 of these elements:
elements cut by hand /die cut, leaves (can be print), turn mount, stamp or lace.

There have been so many memories about that time!
That year the whole family participated in a "family exchange" with other from Belarus.

Shes Ілона.
As she was our guest I wanted to put her picture in this flip frame

It was so hot that it seemed like summer instead of spring...
Where we live now its like to be winter all year. So cold!

And for this page I made another flip frame a little diferent.

That year we learned a bit of belarusian though we had to speak in English with Ілона
and in french with her mother so they didnt learn much spanish.
Anyway. Weve all grown up and Im married now but I havent children.
I would like to participate again in these "families exchanges".

Thanks for watching!

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