Hi everyone! For todays post halloween preview to whet your appetite. This year our scariest foltys are well accompanied by their evil pets.
Primero tenemos a estos murciélagos tan monos que no paran de revolotear. Aunque implacables a la hora de extraer la sangre de sus victimas son muy amorosos, es mejor pillarlos con el estómago lleno.
First we have these cute bats who do not stop fluttering. Although relentless in extracting the blood of their victims they are very loving, you better catch them on a full stomach just in case.
Seguimos con esta linda gatita, especialista en pociones, mucho ojito con ella que no se le resiste ninguna. Su dueña siempre le consulta cuando va a preparar algún mejunje.
We continue with this cute cat, potions specialist, much darling with her she always knows the right recipe. Her owner will always ask her when preparing a concoction.
Y para terminar tenemos el cuervo, siempre alerta, con ojos y oidos en todas partes para avisar a su ama de cualquier complot que amenace a su reinado.
And finally we have the crow always alert, with eyes and ears everywhere to warn her mistress of any plot that threatens her reign.