Today Im back with another ATC, number 5 from the ATC challenge at Copic Spain Facebook Group. This time I used an image by Scrappers Delights, that was being offered as a freebie on their FB group to celebrate they had reached 2k members.
Hope you like it :)
Image colured with Copic markers.
Creative Moments #86
TTCRD Anything goes challenge, February 2- February 8
Fan-Tastic Tuesdays #122: anything goes
Inspiration Destination #71
Crafting from the Heart #97
Brown Sugar #183-Anything Goes
Brown Sugar Challenge #183-Anything Goes (2)
Art by Mi Ran #50 (3)
Simply Papercrafts #22 (3)
Craft your Passion #297
Creative Fingers #101
Left of Center #115 Anything Goes
Crafting by Designs - February Anything Goes (1)
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