Hi there!
It is challenge time at 613 Avenue Create. This is challenge #126 and today I am on the role for Anything Goes inspiration.
I hope you like what I made this time =)
In this dress: Digital stamp by Faery Ink.
Made from a basic t-shirt, by adding the ruffles,
the flower ribbon , the image and butterflies.
You can find my tutorial on who to make the fabric transfer here.
Colouring details.
Skin: E000, E00, E11, E21, R81 (colorete/blush)
Lips: R81, R83
Eyes: BG10, BG15
Hair: E50, Y21, E33
Dress: R81, R83, R85
Wings: BG10, R81, R83
Come and join the fun
In the pink#70: Things with wings (1)
Papertake Weekly: Take Your Pick (1, use glitter)
Tuesday Throwdown #246 - Anything Goes (2)
Decorate To Celebrate #101: Anything Goes (2)
The Corrosive Challenge #225: Anything Goes (3)
Craft your Passions #263 (3)
Crafting from the Heart #61 (3)
Inspiration Destination #35
Dream Valley #107: Anything Goes (3)
Crafty Girlz (3)
Addicted to Stamps and More #146: Anything Goes (2)
Art by Mi Ran #33 (2)
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