Dance ATC

Hi there!

Today I want to show you some ATCs that I made for an exchange with my Copic group. I think they are interesting because each image has a different hair colour combination.

Hope you like it! 

For all the ATCs I used Chibi Ballerina Lineart by YamPuff. Whita and craft card. Dymo machine, frantage, white embossing powder, music stamp and some bling.

Images coloured with Copic markers:

Skin: E000, E00, E02, E04, E11, E21

Hair: E50, E53, E55, E57

Dress: RV91, RV93, RV95

Background: B000, B00

Skin: E000, E00, E02, E04, E11, E21

Hair: B32, C3, C5, C7

Dress: RV91, RV93, RV95

Background: B000, B00

Skin: E000, E00, E02, E04, E11, E21

Hair: R21, YR 04, E08, E55

Dress: BG10, BG11, BG13

Background: BG000, BG01

Skin: E000, E00, E02, E04, E11, E21

Hair: E50, Y21, E55, E57

Dress: RV00, RV10, RV11

Background: B000, B00


Stori de timbri, carta e: Blings

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