Hoy os muestro una caja que he decorado con colores muy navideños. Se trata de una caja de lata de esas de galletas danesas que llevaba un tiempo guardada esperando mejores tiempos y a la que, por fin, le ha llegado el turno de pasar por chapa y pintura.
He usado 2 técnicas diferentes para decorarla. Por un lado, la parte de abajo está hecha con decoupage con una servilleta preciosa que fue la que me dió la idea para hacer el resto. La tapa, sin embargo, está hecha con scrapbook usando unos papeles de Teresa Collins, una blonda con forma de corazón, una puntilla y flores.
La idea inicial era para regalar pero, como me gusta tanto, de momento, será para guardar bombones... :-)
I hope that you are enjoying of these touching dates and from here I wish you in 2013 to dress our better smile to confront all the new challenges we have to face.
Today I show you a box that I have decorated with very Christmas colors. It is a box of tin of Danish cookies that it was waiting better times and to which, finally, there has come the turn.
I have used 2 different technique to decorate it. On the one hand, the part of below is done with decoupage with a precious napkin that was the one that gave to me the idea to do the rest. The lid, nevertheless, is done with scrapbook using a few Teresa Collins"s papers, a blond, a lace and flowers.
The initial idea was to give but, since I like it so much, at the moment, it will be to guard chocolates ... :-)
Gracias por tu visita.
Thanks for your visit.