La persona que está detrás de esta marca es Mlle. Sophie (ya os hablé de ella aquí) y llevo siguiéndola desde antes de empezar con este blog así que me hace mucha ilusión tener uno de sus diseños en mis manos.
Qué ganas tengo de empezar a tejer esta lana tan maravillosa...
I have plenty of reasons to buy wool or anything related to knitting and crochet, so the Day of the Three Wise Kings couldn"t be an exception and I made myself a very special gift, a kit from Breaking the Wool to make a wool cowl.
The person behind this brand is Mlle. Sophie (I already told you about her here) and I"ve been following her since before I started this blog so I am very happy to have one of her designs on my hands.
I am really looking forward to start knitting this wonderful wool...