Blog hop Retarte 4 aniversario

Hi, today is Tuesday and is a day for Retarte. and also is a day to celebrate, Yes! we are celebrating 4 years of this wonderful blog.

I remember when I used to participate in their challenges, Who will tell me that I will end being part of this enchanting team in which I found great friends and partners in crime in my scrap adventures.

Well, I need to stop with this long story, because is time for the party to begin.

For this day, I made a new digi, beginning today it will be part of My little friends store.

Her name is Annie and she brought a balloon to the party and I used her for my card.

Hoy es martes de Retarte y de celebración, si! hoy celebramos 4 años de este maravilloso blog.

Recuerdo cuando participaba en sus retos, quien me iba a decir que terminaría formando parte de este encantador equipo en donde he encontrado grandes amigas y cómplices en mis aventuras scraperas.

Bueno pues ya basta de tanto rollo, que comience la fiesta!

Para este gran día me di a la tarea de crear un digi que desde ahora formara parte de My little Friends.

Ella se llama Annie y ha venido a traer un globo a la fiesta de cumpleaños y con ella hice esta tarjetita.

If you want to see how I made the card, here is a video tutorial.

Si quieres ver como la hice, aquí te dejo un video tutorial.

Remember, as in every blog hop, you may need to jump in all the blogs, leaving a message, in order to be able to participate for the prizes,

You will have until June 18, at 12:00 to finish the hop.

There will be two opportunities to win, one is leaving a comment in the blogs both days and the other is participating in the challenge that will begin tomorrow.

If you got here as a causality, I need to remind you that the Blog hop begins in Retarte.

Here is the list of the blog hop and the prizes that we will have for the people who will come and enjoy the party with us

Recuerda que como todo Blog hop, debes brincar por todos los blogs, he ir dejando un mensaje para poder participar por los premios.

Tendrás hasta el 18 de Junio a la media noche para terminar el recorrido.

Habrá dos oportunidades de ganar, una es dejando comentarios en los blogs ambos días y la otra es participando en el reto que empezara el día de mañana.

If you come from Nelidas blog, you are in the correct trail and now you need to go to visit Paula

Si llegaste aquí por casualidad te recuerdo que el Blog hop da comienzo en el blog de Retarte.

Si vienes del blog de Nelida vas por buen camino y ahora te toca visitar a Paula

A continuación te dejo la lista del blog hop y de los premios que tendremos para quien participe en nuestra fiesta.


Martha Lucia Gomez

Nelida Cordon

Norma Pechir Holland

Paula Andrea Lopez

Laura Fernandez

Maria Pilar De Ancos

Enjoy our Retarte Challenge Anniversary Blog Hop!


All Dressep Up Stamps: 2 Digital Images

Bugaboo Digi Stamps: $10 Credit Store

Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps: $25 Credit Store

Cute as a button Stamps: 2 Digital Images

Digistamps 4 Joy: 3 Digital Images

Dr. Digi Stamps: 2 Digital Images

Graciellie Design: $10 Credit Store

Joy Clair Clear Stamps: $25 Credit Store

Limited Runs Digital: 3 Digital Images

My Little Friends: 3 Digital Images

Scribbles Designs Stamps: $10 Credit Store

The Cutting Cafe: 3 Cutting Files

With this project Im playing in the following Challenges:

Crafting with friends
Dis digi designs challenge
Less is more

Hope you enjoy it

Have a crafty day.

If you want to know more about my projects you can follow me in:

Espero te haya gustado.

Que tengas un día lleno de creatividad

Si quieres ver más de mis proyectos, puedes buscarme en:






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